Get quick answers to some of the questions we hear most. If you don't see what you need, give us a call.
What types of grain does Tyson Local Grain Services buy?
We buy #2, yellow corn at feed mills and elevators, and beans and wheat at our elevators. Check out our Working with Us page for the types of grain we buy at each location.
Where can I find pricing information?
We have a location-specific page with all the info you need here.
What contract options do you offer?
We provide a variety of options to sell your grain and let you manage your contracts to best meet your needs. Get the details on our Contracts page.
Where can I deliver my grain?
Our Locations & Pricing page has the info you need.
Do I need to deliver the grain myself?
Sellers are responsible for delivering contracted grain unless delivery is arranged directly with the LGS team. Give us a call to see if we can pick up the grain on your farm.
Should I schedule a drop-off time to deliver my grain?
Our contracts are set to deliver during a month or two-week period. We offer scheduling at limited locations, and always strongly encourage you to check with your local facility before delivering.
How will I be paid for my grain?
You can receive payment via check or direct deposit. Payment time varies by location.
Do I need an account to sell grain to Tyson Local Grain Services?
You'll get the most from our online platform and mobile app by setting up an account. Sign up to get started.
I've requested an account. How long will it take to get approval?
It will take one to two business days for your account to be approved once you have returned the completed new vendor packet. You will receive your account information via email. Issue with your account? Call or email us and we'll help you out.
What does Tyson Local Grain Services do with the grain they buy?
Once you deliver your grain to the feed mill, it is then processed and turned into chicken feed, and delivered to the chicken farms near you to provide our birds the highest-quality and locally-sourced feed ingredients available.
Who does Tyson Local Grain Services usually buy from?
The LGS online platform and mobile app are only available for farmers to sell their grain directly to Tyson LGS. If you are a broker, reseller, or marketer, and would like to sell to us, please contact our grain broker, J.W. Nutt, at (800) 643-8349.