
LGS Sustain

We believe in sustainability and profitability, and we are bringing it to you.


We listened to your feedback and built a sustainability program that is farmer-focused, straightforward, and transparent. Introducing LGS Sustain, a pay-per-practice program that offers producers financial incentives and technical assistance to adopt sustainable farming practices. It’s for early adopters, too! 



Enrolling your acres in LGS Sustain gives you the opportunity to have 1-1 support from our agronomic partner Understanding Ag.

Understanding Ag
Understanding Ag

Understanding Ag, LLC, is ushering in a new era of regenerative agriculture that is resulting in more productive, profitable, and resilient farms across the globe. At their individual and collective cores, UA’s team members believe there is no more important pursuit than to help you improve the health of our living and life-giving soil and they are dedicated to your growing and regenerative success.




Are you ready to enroll you acres in LGS Sustain?


Enrollment for the 2024 crop season is closed.

Contact us to learn more about enrollment for the 2025 crop season.


Curious to learn more? Have questions about LGS Sustain? We're here to help!


Explore our FAQs in the dropdown menus below.
If you need help or have more questions, contact us —we're here for you! 

When can producers enroll in LGS Sustain?


Producers can enroll in LGS Sustain year-round. For practices implemented the 2024 crop year, producers must enroll by May 31, 2024; producers who enroll after will be enrolled in the following crop year.


How long is the LGS Sustain contract?


The standard LGS Sustain program participation or contract length is 3 years with opportunities to update expected practice implementation plans each year. We understand there is high variability in agriculture and our goal is to provide sustained support for producers in the long term.


While we hope that many producers will choose to re-enroll and continue to see the benefits of the practices, we understand that plans may change. Our contracts allow producers to work alongside Tyson to alter implementation plans or unenroll in the program as needed.


Which crops are eligible as part of LGS Sustain?


Producers are allowed to alternate crops on enrolled acres as long as corn is the primary crop in a 2-3 year rotation. Producers will be eligible to receive incentive payments during seasons when non-corn crops are produced, provided these crops are a part of a corn cropping system and are one of the three eligible species (corn, soybeans, and wheat). Thus, producers with corn / rice rotations will not receive payments in the rice years. Enrollment restrictions in other incentive programs also apply during off-years. In the future, LGS Sustain may expand to include additional crops.


Is the producer required to deliver grain from the acres enrolled in LGS Sustain to a Tyson location?


Producers decide where their grain is sold and are not required to deliver grain to us. We offer competitive bids and resources to all producers and would appreciate the opportunity to buy grain from producers enrolled in LGS Sustain. This program is about transparency, simplicity, and keeping the producer in charge of their operation.


Are early adopters (producers who have already implemented practices) allowed to enroll in LGS Sustain?


The LGS Sustain team believes early adopters of climate-smart practices are key to building community knowledge on practice change and should be eligible for existing incentive programs. That is why our program is open to all, and we will offer the same rate for practices implemented by early AND new adopters. We will not retroactively re-imburse for practices implemented before the program year (e.g., producers who implemented practices in 2021 will not be retroactively reimbursed for the 2024 crop year program). However, practices implemented in the preceding year, but oriented toward the program year will be compensated (e.g., planting cover crops in fall 2023 for the 2024 crop year).


What practices are eligible?


Practices available are:

  • Cover Crops

  • Reduced tillage

  • Nutrient management

  • Edge-of-field

  • Innovative practices

Call your LGS buyer to learn more about the different practices!



Ready to enroll your acres? Let's get started.




